Klaus Fitschen, Nicole Grochowina, Oliver Schuegraf

Lutheran Identiy

Cultural Imprint and Reformation Heritage


Artikelnummer: 9783579058030
Gütersloher Verlagshaus
Erscheinungstermin: 30.08.2023
Kategorien: Bücher / Sachbuch / Religion & Theologie
German edition of Volume 32 - Lutherische Kirche. Geschichte und Gestalten

Lutheranism has spread throughout the world in various ways. As a result, it has become at home in very different cultural contexts. But can there be a "Lutheran identity"? Or are there not rather "Lutheran identities," depending on the character? And what connects them, how does one live in a communion that makes possible numerous expressions of "Lutheran identity," and where are the challenges of this togetherness?
In its struggle for communion that is to be a living church community, the Lutheran World Federation faces these very questions. Reason enough to look for identity markers, for pillars of a common Lutheran identity that have relevance for history, the present and different cultural contexts, linking theology and history.

  • englischsprachige Ausgabe von Band 32
  • Verbindende Elemente im globalen Luthertum identifizieren
  • Ein wichtiger Band im Kontext einer weltumspannenden Debatte
  • Die Einheit des Luthertum im Kontext kultureller Vielfalt
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